An ultra fast, simple, http proxy.

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What is Proxima?

Proxima is a simple L7 proxy, commonly used as an API gateway, acting as a single entry point for your microservices. Proxima supports connecting to backend endpoints over http, or https.

Proxima is configured via a simple yaml file, which specifies all routes and subroutes that Proxima will serve. Additionally, you can point Proxima endpoints at remote http sites from which to pull dynamic endpoints. You can also read secrets from Hashicorp Vault, formatting the secrets with handlebars templates.

A simple configuration that redirects /google to would look like:


What should I use Proxima for?

Proxima is perfect for exposing multiple http services behind a single url. This is perfect if you want to expose a single url for clients to use, configuring sub paths mapped to internal services.

How do I configure Proxima?

Currently, you configure the endpoints behind proxima using either a static configuration file, or by pointing Proxima at a http endpoint, where the config can be scraped.

Native destination and client authentication support

Proxima is great at handling endpoint authentication for users. If a remote url requires authentication, simply specify one of the following authentication types for the url. Proxima can also authenticate clients using these same authentication protocols:

Prometheus metrics by default

Proxima provides a /-/metrics endpoint which can be easily scraped by Prometheus.

Native Integration withHashicorp Vault

Proxima is able to source dynamic paths directly from Vault.


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